The KTA hosts an informal chat session for all generations Kindertransport. We’ll have some time together on zoom, then break into smaller rooms to talk [...]
ŠTETL FEST is a multi-genre festival that gives a glimpse into Jewish culture and history under the subheading "Dignity in Diversity". The programme, consisting of lectures, concerts, [...]
The World Federation of Jewish Survivors of the Holocaust and Descendants (WFJCSH&D) will hold a 33rd Annual Conference in Washington, D.C., August 25-28, 2023, at [...]
The KTA is thrilled to announce a special private screening and discussion with the director, artist and KT2 Ella Dreyfus, and her film, Dreyfus Drei, a short [...]
The KTA hosts an informal chat session for all generations Kindertransport. We’ll have some time together, then break into smaller rooms to talk about subjects [...]
Kindertransport - The Search for British Foster Families Just before the Second World War, British families from all over the country took in over 9,000 [...]
The KTA is thrilled to announce a special private screening and discussion of KTA Board Member Karen Kruger's new film Letters From Brno. Letters From Brno is a powerful personal [...]
In commemoration of National Poetry Month and Yom Hashoah, the KTA invites all generations to share your Holocaust themed poems and prose in an "open-mic" [...]