Past Events

27 Apr

Lore Segal Speaks with the Leo Baeck Institute Book Club

April 27, 2022    
2:00 pm EDT - 3:00 pm EDT
Kindertransport survivor and longtime KTA member, the brilliant and delightful writer Lore Segal is speaking with the Leo Baeck Institute book club on April 27, [...]
24 Apr

KTA Online Social Chat for KT2s

April 24, 2022    
3:00 pm EDT - 4:30 pm EDT
The KTA invites KTA members of the Second Generation (KT2s) to an informal virtual chat session on zoom. The KT2 Virtual Gathering is a chat [...]
15 Dec

KTA Membership Meeting

December 15, 2021    
7:30 pm EST
KTA Members gather together virtually to ask questions of the KTA Board, learn what's been going on and is being planned, and elect new members [...]
09 Dec

Without a Home: Kindertransports from Vienna

December 9, 2021 - May 15, 2022    
12:00 am EST
The exhibition is devoted to Viennese children who were sent abroad without their parents from winter 1938 to the start of World War II in [...]
05 Dec

KTA Hanukkah Gathering

December 5, 2021    
8:00 pm EST
On the last night of Hanukkah, we will gather KTA member families together virtually and light our candles and say our Hanukkah blessings and sing [...]
14 Nov

KTA Online Book Talk - All the Frequent Troubles of Our Days: The True Story of the American Woman at the Heart of the German Resistance to Hitler

November 14, 2021    
4:00 pm EST
Writer Rebecca Donner was a teenager when her grandmother thrust a fistful of old letters into her hands and said, One day you must tell [...]
26 Oct

Truus' Children Screening and Discussion

October 26, 2021    
2:00 pm EDT
Join the Museum of Jewish Heritage & the Netherlands’ diplomatic network in the US for a virtual screening & discussion of Truus’ Children, from Dutch [...]
17 Oct

Inauguration Ceremony of Vienna Holocaust Memorial

October 17, 2021    
All Day
A memorial to the Jewish children, women and men of Austria who were murdered in the Holocaust is being installed in Ostarrichi Park, Vienna. Research [...]
03 Oct

International Forum: Connecting Next Generations

October 3, 2021 - October 4, 2021    
All Day
The Association of Jewish Refugees presents a two-day hybrid international forum for descendants of Holocaust survivors and refugees. Both online and in person in London. [...]
22 Jul

Kindertransport – Rescuing Children on the Brink of War

July 22, 2021 - October 31, 2021    
All Day
The exhibit "Kindertransport – Rescuing Children on the Brink of War" originated in NYC, will be on display at the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis [...]
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