Kindertransport Writing

Voices of the Kinder is a showcase for memoirs, stories, poetry… all genres of writing by members of the Kindertransport Association.

KTA members of all generations are invited to submit materials, using this form, or writing to

Olga’s Legacy
The legacy of Olga Bergmann Gabanyi Grilli and her family, by Susan Ingram. Originally published in the Baltimore Jewish Times, June 5, 2019. Posted with permission.

Should Kinder of the Kindertransports be Considered Holocaust Survivors?
Ralph Mollerick, a Kind from Wolfhagen, Germany, asks the question Should Kinder of the Kindertransports be Considered Holocaust Survivors?

Kindertransport Poems by Tom Berman
Tom Berman, one of the children brought out of Czechoslovakia by Sir Nicholas Winton writes of his childhood, and of a 2009 journey tracing the route of the Czech Kindertransports.

Q & A with Kurt Fuchel
An introduction to the life of a past President of the KTA.

VIENNA 1938: A Child’s View by Kurt Fuchel
Kurt Fuchel recalls how Hitler’s rise to power changed his life in Vienna and led to his being sent away when he was seven years old.

Memories of a Kind in Holland by Kind Harry W. Ebert
Harry Ebert writes of his experences as a kind sent to Holland. On January 17, 1939 he travelled from his home in Mannheim, Germany to the Rotterdam Quarantine Station.

In Memoriam to Norbert and Ignatz Kalter by Kind Lothar Frenkel
Kind Lothar Frenkel, the sole survivor of his family, commemorates the lives of two uncles he never met.

March 1938 – August 1940: A short personal history of my family during 30 turbulent months by Hans Schneider
Hans Schneider writes of his family’s flight from Vienna to Czechoslovakia and into Poland in 1938 and their wartime years in Edinburgh.

Paul Kuttner interviews actress Gertrude Lawrence (1898-1952) at MGM in 1948 for a British newspaper (The London News Chronicle) and a show-business magazine (What’s On in London – The London Week). She was the original Broadway star of “The King and I” and the musical “Lady in the Dark” and of most of the Noel Coward comedies, some of which he specially wrote for her, like “Private Lives” and “Susan and God.” She was so famous that she is one of the very few stars to have her own entry in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

Paul Kuttner’s memoirs
Paul Kuttner writes of his event filled life, including two close calls he had with the Gestapo before he escaped Germany on a Kindertransport at sixteen, his friendship with the actor Leslie Howard, his time as a teenaged prisoner of war on the Isle of Man, and his near arrest on suspicion of being a spy in London.

Irene Katzenstein Schmied’s memoir excerpts
Irene Katzenstein Schmied travels from her home in Berlin-Dahlen to safety in Great Britain, then moves to Chile with her parents and moves once again to create a life in New York City.