
  • Types

  • Genres

Ballyrolly House, Millisle, Co. Down

Published by WartimeNI

Ballyrolly House stood in 70 acres of land in Millisle, Co. Down. The Belfast Jewish Community saw to it that the farm would house Kindertransport refugees.


by Sebald, W.G. (2001); Published by New York: Random House

Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR): Kindertransport

The official web home of the British Kinder.

Association of Holocaust Organizations

An international network for the advancement of Holocaust education, remembrance and research.

Anne Frank Guide: The Kindertransport

This student-oriented web page offers an overview of the Kindertransport as well as a profile of Nicholas Winton and a link to an article about Kind Alfred Batzdorff.

Anglo-Jewry and the Refugee Children 1938-1945

by Hill, Paula (2002); Published by Ph.D. thesis, University of London

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

And the Policeman Smiled

by Turner, Barry (1991); Published by London: Bloomsbury

A history of the Kindertransport movement. May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

And in the Vienna Woods the Trees Remain

by Åsbrink, Elisabeth (2020); Published by Penguin Random House

Otto Ullmann, a Jewish boy, was sent from Austria to Sweden right before the outbreak of World War II. 13 year old Otto was granted permission to enter the country in accordance with the Swedish archbishop’s secret plan to save Jews on condition that they convert to Christianity. With thorough research, including files initiated by the predecessor to today’s Swedish Security Service (SÄPO) and 500+ letters, Elisabeth Åsbrink illustrates how Swedish society was infused with anti-Semitism, and how families are shattered by war and asylum politics.

American Jewish History: Frances Perkins and the German-Jewish Refugees, 1933-1940 (Vol. 89, No. 1)

by Zucker, Bat-Ami (2001)

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

American Jewish History

by Zucker, Bat-Ami (2001); Published by Frances Perkins and the German-Jewish Refugees, 1933-1940 (Vol. 89, No. 1)

Almost an Englishman

by Hannam, Charles (1978); Published by London: Andre Deutsch

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

All My Loved Ones

by Minac, Matej (1999)

A feature film that focuses on a family in dramatizing the story of the Kindertransports from Prague.

All in a Lifetime

by Westheimer, Ruth (1988); Published by New York: Warner Books

Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s account of her journey from Frankfurt am Main through a refugee girls hostel in Switzerland, to Israel, to her broadcasting success in the United States of America.

Against All Odds

by Hamlet, Eva (1994); Published by Citra, Florida: Crones' Cradle Conserve

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

Adventures of a Chemist Collector

by Bader, Alfred (1995); Published by London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson

This is the autobiography of the distinguished chemist, art collector and philanthropist, Alfred Bader. Born in Vienna, Bader fled to England at the age of 14, on a Kindertransport ten months before the outbreak of World War II. May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.Although a Jewish refugee from the Nazis, he was interned in 1940 and sent to a Canadian prisoner-of-war camp. In this book, he tells the story of his success through hard work and studies in the United States.

Admission of German Refugee Children.” U.S. Congress, House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, 76th Congress, First Session, 1939

(1939) Published by U.S. Congress, House Committee on Immigration

Abschied ein Leben Lang- A Life-Long Farewell

by Kratz, Kathe (1999); Published by Extrafilm

Three former residents of Vienna, KTA member Anne (Anny) Kelemen, Gerda Lederer and Curtis Brown (Kurt Braun), return to Vienna, the city where they were born. They are invited by the ‘Lost Neighborhood’ memorial project, part of which is the reconstruction of the façade of a synagogue destroyed 60 years ago. The stories told by these three emigrants are juxtaposed with images of this project, resulting in a dramatic, humorous and moving documentary of Jewish life in 1930s Vienna.

A Transported Life: Memories of Kindertransport

by Eden, Thea, Irene Reti and Valerie Jean Chase (1995); Published by Santa Cruz, California: Herbooks

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

A Thousand Kisses Stories of the Kindertransport

by Weiner Library (2018); Published by Harwich Haven: Surrender and Sanctuary

This exhibition tells the story of the Kindertransports through the experiences of eight children and the loved ones they left behind, whose documents, letters and memoirs are amongst those held in the Wiener Library Collections. It is a story of persecution, migration, of refugees who were made welcome and those who were turned away.

A Stranger in the Family

by Barnard, Robert (2010); Published by Scribner

A suspense novel with a Scottish KT2 main character. His mother was a teacher; his father, a journalist, escaped from Nazi Germany at the age of three on a Kindertransport in 1939. May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.