Susanne Medas remembers the loss of her parents following the tragic events of 1938.
Last weekend Kindertransport Survivors gathered in Burlingame to tell their stories. While they shared with each other, they also focused on passing their experiences on to the next generation. Ilse Lindemeyer said she didn’t speak about her Kindertransport experiences for many years. When she did, it felt like “a dam broke,” and she couldn’t stop telling her story.“Since then I’ve been speaking about it at schools,” she said. “I feel it’s my duty. I want them to know what happened.”
KTA members Sel Hubert, Robert Sugar, Walter Porges, and Erika Estis tslk about their Kindertransport experiences.
On the grounds of an estate in the English countryside, 15 middle-aged Jewish men from the United States, Canada, Britain and Israel made a pilgrimage Tuesday to pay honor to the woman who rescued them from Germany on the eve of World War II. They had come thousands of miles to thank Dorothy de Rothschild, their benefactor. ”Without her all of us here would have been just a statistic of the Nazi death camps,” said Henry Black of Britain, one of the participants.