Related Interests

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  • Genres

American Jewish History

by Zucker, Bat-Ami (2001); Published by Frances Perkins and the German-Jewish Refugees, 1933-1940 (Vol. 89, No. 1)

Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany

by Kaplan, Marion A. (1998); Published by New York: Oxford University Press

Between Fear & Hope: Jewish Youth in the Third Reich

by Angress, Werner T. (1988); Published by New York: Columbia University Press

Children of the Holocaust: Conversations with Sons and Daughters of Survivors

by Epstein, Helen (1979); Published by New York: Putnam

Helen Epstein’s pioneering look at the second generation.

Children With a Star: Jewish Youth in Nazi Europe

by Dwork, Deborah (1991); Published by New Haven: Yale University Press

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

Conscience and Courage: Rescuers of Jews During the Holocaust

by Fogelman, Eva (1994); Published by New York: Doubleday

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

Cruel World: The Children of Europe in the Nazi Web

by Nicholas, Lynn H (2005); Published by New York: Alfred A. Knopf

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center.

Das Exil der kleinen Leute. Alltagserfahrung deutscher Juden in der Emigration

by Benz, Wolfgang, ed (1994); Published by Fischer-TB.-Vlg

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center

Don’t Wave Goodbye: The Children’s Flight from Nazi Persecution to American Freedom

by Jason, Philip K. and Iris Posners, eds. (2004); Published by Westport, Connecticut: Praeger

The story of the 1,000 children sent directly to the United States between 1938 and 1945.

Double Vision, A Self Portrait

by Abish, Walter (2004); Published by New York: Alfred A. Knopf

May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center

Flight from the Reich: Refugee Jews, 1933-1946

by Dwork, Deborah and Jan Van Pelt, Robert (2009); Published by W.W. Norton & Co.

The authors of Auschwitz offer a comprehensive survey of various countries’ responses to the refugee crisis and their often self-serving motives. America, fearing immigrants would become public charges, required financial affidavits from Americans, which were very difficult to get. Britain granted transit visas to the Kindertransport children and visas to famous Jews such as Sigmund Freud. The Dominican Republic allowed refugees to work on agricultural colonies. Internment camps in the Soviet Union offered a chance for survival while camps in France were conduits to the concentration camps.

From Outside in: Refugees and British Society: An Anthology of Writings by Refugees on Britain and Britishness

by Arbabzadah, Nushin (2007); Published by Arcadia Books

This is a collection of memoir, fiction and poetry that explores being British from the perspective of the newly arrived. It presents accounts that range from German-Jews – including several members of the KTA – to Iraqi Kurds, as well as Vietnamese, Afghanis, Chileans and others. The narratives poignantly depict the twin mechanism of loss and hope faced by newcomers to these shores, as they simultaneously search for ways to hold onto memories of lives no longer lived and in turn inhabit new ways of being. May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center

Generation Exodus: The Fate of Young Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany

by Laquer, Walter (2001); Published by Hanover, NH: Brandeis University Press

German–Jewish Studies: Next Generations

by Kerry Wallach (Ed) and Aya Elyada (Ed) (2022); Published by Berghahn Books

As a field, German-Jewish Studies emphasizes the dangers of nationalism, monoculturalism, and ethnocentrism, while making room for multilingual and transnational perspectives with questions surrounding migration, refugees, exile, and precarity. Focusing on the relevance and utility of the field for the twenty-first century, German-Jewish Studies explores why studying and applying German-Jewish history and culture must evolve and be given further attention today. The volume brings together an interdisciplinary range of scholars to reconsider the history of antisemitism—as well as intersections of antisemitism with racism and colonialism—and how connections to German Jews shed light on the continuities, ruptures, anxieties, and possible futures of German-speaking Jews and their legacies.

Hebrew University Jerusalem Holocaust Oral Histories

The 1,400 Holocaust audio interviews and transcripts reflect the vast scope of oral histories collected by researchers which have been archived at the Oral History Division of the Avraham Harman Institute of Contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. They include interviews conducted in the early 1960s. The collection developed over the past 60 years as more research was undertaken by established and emerging scholars and questions relating to the experience of Jews under Nazism broadened. This resource should provide an invaluable tool for researchers in Holocaust studies.

I Am a Star: Child of the Holocaust

by Auerbacher, Inge (1993); Published by New York: Puffin Books

I Didn’t Say Goodbye

by Vegh, Claudine (1984); Published by New York: E.P. Dutton

Interviews with children of the Holocaust. May be out of print. Try your local library or Holocaust Memorial Center

Kindertransport Journey: Memory into History

by Robert Sugar

Exhibition by Robert Sugar Showings include:

  • Temple Am Shalom (Glencoe, IL): April 2007
  • Central College Drama Department (Pella, IA): Winter 2007
  • Florida Atlantic University: April 2006
  • The New Mexico Holocaust and Intolerance Museum and Study Center: Fall 2006.

Last Waltz in Vienna: The Rise and Destruction of a Family: 1842-1942

by Clare, George (1982); Published by New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston

Learning to Die in Miami: Confessions of a Refugee Boy

by Eire, Carlos (2010); Published by Free Press

With the same passionate immediacy as Eire brought to his memoir of a Cuban boyhood, the National Book Award–winning Waiting for Snow in Havana (2002), he writes now about coming to America at age 11. The story takes readers from the journey to American itself – Eire was one of 14,000 unaccompanied refugee children in 1962’s Operation Pedro Pan – through his time in foster homes, both kind and harsh, and eventually to joining his uncle in Chicago, “where everyone came from somewhere else.”