Past Events

01 Nov

My Heart in a Suitcase

November 1, 2008    
All Day
ArtsPower National Touring Theater This play, drawn from the autobiography of Kind Anne Fox is currently touring schools and other venues. KTA members are invited [...]
24 Oct

2008 National KTA Reunion

October 24, 2008 - October 26, 2008    
All Day
Orlando, Florida Remember - the past Reflect - on the present Reach - for a better future
23 Jan

ROK 70th anniversary Kindertransport Celebration

January 23, 2008    
10:00 am EST - 5:00 pm EST
The Kindertransport committee of the Association of Jewish Refugees (AJR) has organised a Celebration to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Parliament's decision to admit 10,000, [...]
03 Jan

2006 National KTA Reunion

January 3, 2006 - November 6, 2006    
All Day
“Remembering the Past… Shaping the Future” November 3-5, 2006 Sheraton Meadowlands Conference Center East Rutherford, New Jersey
22 Oct

2004 National KTA Reunion

October 22, 2004 - October 24, 2004    
All Day
Learning from the Past – Teaching for the Future Burlingame, California
07 Jun

2002 National KTA Reunion

June 7, 2002 - June 9, 2002    
12:00 am EDT
Remembering the Past; Embracing the Future Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
01 Oct

2000 National KTA Reunion

October 1, 2000    
All Day
Scottsdale, Arizona
19 Jun

Reunion in Scotland

June 19, 1999 - June 21, 1999    
All Day
Gunther Abrahamson attended the reunion of the Selkirk Kinder, spouses, children and grand-children who had come together from three continents, to the small town of [...]
14 Jun

ROK 60th Anniversary Reunion

June 14, 1999    
12:00 am BST
London, England Hosted by the RoK (Reunion of Kindertransport)
01 Jun

1998 National KTA Reunion

June 1, 1998    
All Day
Arlington, Virginia
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